I feel Pretty

So on a red hot day, I felt anything but ‘hot’, I thought I’d go to the movies, a darkened room and air con, bliss.

I fancied I feel pretty from the trailers. A gentle comedy challenging women to flip the bird to anyone who thinks physical appearance is linked to worth. Even if that person is your self.

I enjoyed the movie, it is as advertised; a light comedy designed to entertain, and make you feel a little better about not having an photoshop expert following you.

I particularly liked the little touch with the yellow shoes that some viewers might have missed. Every outfit Renee Bennett wears regardless of the colour pallet is paired with the same pair of yellow heals. Every woman has a favourite pair of heals, that makes them feel strong, beautiful, and fabulous. Renee’s yellow shoes are obviously hers. It small touch, but it made me smile.

I often read reviews after I’ve seen a movie, because I have often found I’ve really enjoyed a film that critics hated, or hated a film the critics loved. Reading proper critic reviews sometimes I think can influence how a movie is viewed before making up our own minds.

Today is no different. I’m genuinely shocked at some of what I read.

Amy Schumer isn’t ‘fat’ enough, or ugly enough. Why isn’t the lead a woman of colour? why is she blonde?

Ironically I think these people have missed the whole point of the movie.

I for one want to see more people who look like Amy Schumer on the big screen. Not just in a comedy, but as the lead superhero.

And for the PC police, I’m not talking about a white, blonde. I’m talking about someone who doesn’t traditionally fit western beauty ideals but owns it unapologetically like a badass and is fucking stunning because of it.

Which IS the while point of this movie.

Avengers: Infinity War

Things. Will. Never. Be. The. Same. Again.

The MCU have done it again, I have no idea where they’re going to go after this. I don’t want to spoil anything….

There isn’t a satisfying ending as we’ve come to expect in the last 10 years, yet it makes it feel like there’s more to come, the story isn’t over.

This is far from over….


After suffering a disappointment this morning I decided, rather than wallow in self pity, to get my self out of the house and went to see Rampage.

What can I say, it didn’t disappoint in my expectations of an over the top action movie made for what the cinema intended; entertainment. (Exactly what I needed at the time).

Dwayne Johnson has developed a reputation, and back catalogue, of exciting movies that are simply there to entertain. A safe place where you might guess what’s about to happen, but it’s always a little better, I little sillier, a little funnier, or a little bit more thrilling than the imagination.

This movie is loosely based on the video game of the same name, first released in 1986 on the Atari, with later versions on PlayStation, GameCube, and even Wii platforms.

It features an all star cast made up of The walking dead’s favourite villain Jeffrey Dean Morgan (doing a blinding job of being an asshat who’s not actually an asshat at all). Joe Manganiello, ironically getting in to a show down with a rather angry wolf, Naomi Harris (28 days later), and Malin Ackerman playing a believable bitch.

Think San Andreas, Pacific Rim (the first one) and Jurassic Park make a movie baby, this is the love child.

Totally stupid science, but completely entertaining, and fun.

Pacific Rim Uprising

Ohh dear, the first Pacific Rim was quite a little gem of excitement. With a strong story arc, and believable sub plots.

The latest instalment to the “franchise” however was an extended power rangers episode from the 90’s.

At no point can I believe that teenagers could pilot a jäger. The first film took great lengths to highlight that only a select few good men/women are drift compatible. Strong and well trained individuals, Yet now everyone seems to be able to manage it.

There was of course the spunky girl who’s good at building stuff, and a disgraced ex pilot who can get through to the kids on a different level. At least that’s what we have to assume.

A kiju only makes an appearance in the final 20minutes, one of the crazy smart doctors is now unbelievably stoopid crazy, and there’s a hint at a 3rd movie.

I didn’t enjoy this. I was so disappointed, particularly because I really enjoyed the first film.

If John Boyega wasn’t in the movie it would be horrendous.

With him it’s just terrible.

Although a relative new comer, I think we can expect great things from John Boyega.

Don’t bother seeing this one though.

The Shape of Water.

The first movie I decided to see with my new unlimited movie pass was this years Best Picture Oscar winner ‘The Shape of Water’.

Having watched the trailer I was intrigued, but when one person described it as a woman falling in love with a fish I was a little less intrigued….

On face value ‘Del Toro has out weirded himself yet there is something compelling and beautiful about the whole thing.

Two creatures, however different from each other are able to find in each other the connections they desperately need.

Eliza the kind and caring mute woman has compassionate friends yet is desperate for love and the physical connections that comes from romantic attachment. Highlighted very early on with her vigorous, and daily, self love.

The creature has only know violence, fear, imprisonment, ‘scientific experimentation and being feared.

Yet they’re both the same; unable to communicate in a world that see’s them both as lower beings.

The parallel between the treatment of the creature and the segregation in 1960’s America is obvious but pointed out in a big neon sign during a short scene in a diner. Where we also learn the sexual orientation of Eliza’s next door neighbour and best friend.

The hero’s of the story are all highlighting in some way the marginalised in society. The groups that have been shunned and suppressed in often brutal ways.

The bad guys, everybody else. Every thing around the protagonists is dull and boring. Yet our hero’s? there something fantastical about everything around them.

It’s a story of seeing the real beauty in all walks of life, a story of all beings needing connections with others.

Yet it’s still that beautiful and stunning story of girl meets fish….